Hi Everybody!
On Friday night ,September 9th, 2022, something special and AMAZING happened at New York’s famed MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. One man and his grand piano sold out that 20,000 seat arena… it sold out an incredible 83 TIMES for this piano man. Singer-Songwriting genius, of course….Only one person could accomplish this amazing feat and that person stands alone….BILLY JOEL!!!! He normally sells out 50,000 seat stadiums, but now he prefers small and more intimate rooms like Madison Square Garden, LOL!
The Garden of course, is an arena built for champions, and that is exactly what BILLY JOEL is …A CHAMPION! Who is, like that statue of ROCKY standing with hands high in victory pose, knocking out his opponent (a one of a kind in Philadelphia)…or like that famous pose of MUHAMMED ALI, with both hands held high looking down at his knocked out opponent standing alone in the ring. That is the image you will be left with on Saturday Night…. BILLY JOELl, a champion standing alone because all of his music fills our two hour show as he knocks us out with his GENIUS!
So, Congratulations from me and all of us here on 77WABC
on your 83rd sold-out show at the Arena of Champions, Madison Square Garden!
Yes…BILLY JOEL stands alone!!! So, this Saturday night right here on the most powerful, most iconic , most historical Bradio Station in the nation, Music Radio 77 WABC! Join me Saturday Night as we salute a true music and recording champion who, without doubt STANDS ALONE! MR.BILLY JOEL!
Listen: 10 pm-Midnight EDT
9pm-11pm CDT
7pm-9pm PDT
And streaming around the world! To stream, go to WABCmusicradio.com!