It’s ‘MY WAY’ this weekend on Sundays with Sinatra!
Host, Joe Piscopo will feature the entire album, ‘MY WAY’ this week on Sundays with Sinatra!
The ‘My Way’ LP is an incredibly arranged and conducted work by Mr. Don Costa.
The year was 1969, just before Frank Sinatra’s short retirement.
It was so entertaining to experience Mr. S. experiment with then, current tunes of the day – and for Joe P., The Chairman performed these songs better than the originals!
Not to mention, Joe is also featuring the 1974 LP, ’Some Nice Things I’ve Missed’ AND your requests!
In New York, it’s Ramsey Mazda’s Sundays with Sinatra on MusicRadio77Wabc.
Syndicated nationally.
And streaming worldwide on
It a ‘MY WAY’ Sundays with Sinatra.
With your host, Joe Piscopo.
Live from New York.