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This Saturday Night’s Special Guest Is Jay Siegel of ‘The Tokens’!


Cousin Brucie once again happily welcomes JAY SIEGEL (Jay Siegel’s Tokens).

Jay was born in Brighton Beach, New York, where he and Neil Sedaka attended Lincoln High School and started a lifelong friendship.

In 1955, Neil formed The Linc-Tones . A year later Jay joined the group and the name was changed to The Tokens. Jay, Neil and fellow Tokens Cynthia Zolitan and Hank Medress then recorded “While I Dream” and “I Love My Baby”.

In 1958 Neil Sedaka left The Tokens to begin his legendary solo career. In 1961 the Tokens reformed the group with Mitch and Phil Margo joining Jay and Hank Medress. The group quickly recorded their next hit, “Tonight I Fell In Love.”

And then it happened- the Big Break. In October of 1961 The Tokens recorded what was to become one of the biggest pop hit songs of all time, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” “ The Lion” celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011. To this day “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is one of the most requested songs on the Air. (…..and Yes, I play it).

Jay Siegel and the Tokens have produced many American pop classics, including The Chiffons, “One Fine Day”, “He’s So Fine”- Randy and the Rainbows, “Denise”, Tony Orlando and Dawn’s, “Candida”, “Knock Three Times”, and “Tie a Yellow Ribbon”, as well as “I Got Rhythm” and “See You in September” by The Happenings. JAY SIEGEL’S TOKENS continue their great hit making tradition.

Their Live Shows are always Sold Out – Next Tokens show – LAR ENTERPRISES PRESENTS�“OH WHAT A NIGHT OF DOO-WOP & ROCK N ROLL”�SATURDAY JUNE 1, 2024 @ 7PM�Carteret Performing Arts Center For Tickets & Information Call:877-849-2722

The Cuz Welcomes his Brooklyn Buddy-

Saturday 5/18/24.
Photo Bonus (below/right) Jay sings with Tony Orlando – Mohegan Sun,2024

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